Compulsive sexual behavior and infidelity is damaging to relationships and is a leading cause of broken trust and divorce. If you are spending more time seeking partners on line or watching porn than engaging with your family or partner, you have a problem. If you have vowed to stop or cut down on the time spent online but have not been able to do so, you do not have the ability to stop on your own. If your partner has discovered your online activity or infidelity and wants you to get help, you have come to the right source. If you are looking for help for your problem, please contact me.
I have helped many people work on their path to recovery from addiction and sexually compulsive behavior. I approach treatment understanding that there is shame associated with these behaviors. Getting treatment by a skilled professional, you will be able to break free from these addictive behaviors and work through a recovery plan that will result in a life that is fulfilling, rewarding and connected in meaningful relationships. Our goal will be to work on getting to the root cause of why you are acting out destructively.
As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, I utilize a 30 task based approach to sexual addiction recovery developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, PhD. Dr. Carnes is internationally recognized as the founding leader in the research and treatment of sexual addiction and recovery. His assessment tools and 30-task model treatment deliver an unprecedented approach for trauma, sexual addiction and co-occurring addiction. This approach to treatment is the leading edge evidence based treatment and gold standard for sexual addiction treatment and recovery.
A self diagnostic test is available here.